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The Economic Promotion Counsil is a decentralized public organization in charge of investment promotion and faciilitation to increase both domestic and foreign investment in Obregon City and improving the investment environment.

The Counsil  

According to Triple Helix Model, established by Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff our cunsil is integrated by representatives of local universities, business and industrial associations and city government.

Contact us 

As a part of our job we work towards the creation of spaces that allow citizens participation where ideas are proposed and actions are taken towards the continuous improvement and growth of the city.

Our job

The Council's main function is the attraction of investments and all those economic activities that generate decent and well-paid jobs that have as a consequence the activation of the local economy.

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Nuestra función 

La función principal del consejo es la atracción de inversiones y todas aquellas actividades económicas que generen empleos dignos y bien remunerados que tengan como consecuencia la activación de la economía local. 

© 2018 Consejo de Promoción Económica de Ciudad Obregón 

Consulta nuestro Aviso de Privacidad 


Parte de nuestra función es crear espacios de participación ciudadana donde se propongan ideas y se emprendan acciones hacia la mejora continua y crecimiento de la ciudad. 

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